David Wilkie BSc FCA TEP

Chartered Accountant

david.wilkie@wilkierandall.com | 07789 431530

Freelance chartered accountant offering:
- Probate, tax and finance services to families and estates
- Finance Director expertise to UK businesses
- Specialties: Theatre, Video Games, Research & Development


PROBATE.  Families do not need to use solicitors when applying for probate or administering the will.  If the estate is selling real estate property then it is likely that you will use the services of a solicitor for the conveyancing.  General probate work can be done by the executors alone or in conjunction with a probate-licensed accountant.

SERVICES OFFERED.  My service is fully bespoke to your needs.  Please contact me to understand fully about:

  • My range of probate services
  • Likely timescales for your estate: both the probate application and the subsequent estate administration

STEP.  I am qualified in this area since 2013 when I completed the exam for full membership of STEP.  The Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners is the most recognised body in England for my work.  I am listed here:


ICAEW.  I am licensed to offer probate services by ICAEW since 2017.  The Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales is an approved regulator of such services.  I am required by ICAEW to carry professional indemnity insurance up to individual claims of £500,000.  In addition, the ICAEW runs a compensation fund to deal with claims, that is funded by annual fees from its probate licensed members.  My firm is listed here:


COMPLAINTS.  In the instance of any probate complaints, clients should contact me first.  If not satisfied with my response then clients may contact ICAEW and/or the Legal Ombudsman.

FEES.  I quote each job based on what you need.  My fees can be as low as £3,000 + VAT, but most estates fall within a range of £5,000 – £10,000 + VAT.  Complicated estates can generate fees that are significantly higher, but these are the minority and I would be clear with you up front.  Please contact me for a free quote if you would like to see my detailed fees structure for probate work.  I have written a more detailed document about fees, covering simple estates and complicated estates.  If you wish to see this document please contact me.

CONTACT ME.  For any queries on my services, my fees, likely timescale, my availability, my qualifications, my insurance, my complaints procedure … or anything else … please contact me at your convenience by email to david.wilkie@wilkierandall.com or by phone to +44 (0)7789 431530.  I look forward to your enquiry.


I offer tax advice and support to individuals and small UK businesses.  I don’t offer advice in all areas of tax.  Listed below are those tax disciplines where I am confident to help you:

  • Capital Gains Tax & Inheritance Tax
  • Self Assessment
  • Corporation Tax

Within Corporation Tax is the ability to claim tax relief for creative and entertainment businesses, as well as for research and development.  About half of my tax work in a typical year is looking at:

  • Theatre Tax Relief
  • Video Games Tax Relief
  • Research and Development Tax Relief

I am qualified as a Chartered Accountant with ICAEW and as a practitioner with both ICAEW and STEP.

Finance (Accountancy)

Most of my finance work is as a Finance Director (FD) or Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for small/medium size UK businesses.  I offer my time either on an hourly rate or a day rate for these services:

  • Monthly or Quarterly meetings
  • Finance projects
    • Budgeting / Forecasting
    • Pricing
    • Mergers and Acquisitions
    • Software change
  • Ad hoc consulting.  Examples

For most business clients I provide these compliance services:

  • Financial statements to Companies House
  • Tax services as listed above
  • Review of bookkeeping and VAT

I do not offer these services but can suggest local providers if my client needs them:

  • Regular bookkeeping
  • Payroll
  • VAT return preparation

I am qualified as a Chartered Accountant with ICAEW and as a practitioner with both ICAEW and STEP.


I’m currently accepting new clients, if you’re interested in working together please get in touch.

David Wilkie BSc FCA TEP

07789 431530

DIVERSITY STATEMENT.  Wilkie Randall is an inclusive organisation that welcomes everyone through the door.  If the firm expands beyond being a sole practice then diversity data will be collected.

Terms and Conditions

New clients are advised that I have to undertake several steps before I can work for you:

  • Initial discussion of your needs (usually free of charge)
  • Set a provisional timetable
  • Agree provisional fees
  • Provide me with your proof of ID docs (as required)
  • Sign my standard letter of engagement
  • Accept my standard Ts and Cs
  • Pass ongoing AML checks to comply with legislation on Anti-Money Laundering

David Wilkie

I am a freelancer.  While I usually work in tandem with clients and their other service providers, it is down to me alone to carry out the services that I contract with you to do.

James Tovey of Tovey Associates is my listed backup if anything happens that incapacitates me during a job.  James can be contacted here.  Alternatively I suggest that you can contact Jon Green or Matt Gair at Approved Accounting.  Their details are here.  These separate businesses are familiar with my work, but are not privy to my clients’ data.

I work alone under the banner of Wilkie Randall.  I started my limited company in 2010 to provide freelance consulting services.  Since 2013 the company has been licensed to provide general practice services.  Since 2017 the company has added probate services.

Wilkie Randall Limited is registered under the number 07184693.  You can find further details of the company here at Companies House.

For my extended cv/resume, please see here my profile on LinkedIn.